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I want to address my acne

As you may well know, acne is a skin condition with mild-severe symptoms including...
  • Blackheads
  • Whiteheads
  • Papules
  • Pustules
  • Nodules
  • Cysts
…and when treating acne we are always treating symptoms and aiming to control the condition as we cannot guarantee a cure.  The reasons why acne occurs in the skin can vary widely but it effects skin function and particularly the pilosebaceous unit. When looking at treatments and home care we always opt for a holistic approach, discussing diet, lifestyle, product use and practises within the consultation process.
The one thing we are asked most about when it comes to acne is “should I use manual exfoliators more” and the answer is always absolutely NO.  Harsh cloths, facial scrubs and other forms of manual exfoliation will often only exacerbate the issues and can raise further issues such as hyper pigmentation, scarring, slow healing, dryness and irritation. Be Gentle.As a whole we’ll be looking to correct and control skin function, heal and calm inflammation and protect the skin from the sun and pollutants by using a prescriptive skincare regime and ideally introducing supplementation.Before booking any treatments or purchasing products we require all clients to book a full consultation in order to discuss concerns, needs and commitment levels before we then prescribe the best course of action homecare wise and suitable in clinic treatments if necessary/accessible.

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